Friday Round Up!

We haven't had much going on since getting back from Las Vegas, but I thought I would do a quick post to catch everyone up!

1. We have been trying to relax before the Hubby starts coaching basketball again. This year he will be coaching 8th grade boys. This should be interesting to see, because he also teaches these kids. 

This year it seems that I will trade in my stat sheets for the game book. We will see how this transition goes! But I would rather go to all the games, keep the book and see my husband, rather than go home and wait until 10:00 pm to see him. Let's hope that I'm a fast learner!

2. The rental property is in the last stretch of completion. We move our renter in next week. I am hoping to get all the tools and supplies out of the way this week in order to do my final walk through pictures! I can't wait to post the results. I think the property looks fantastic. I am so proud of our results.
3. The Hubby has always been fascinated with Las Vegas architecture. He decided he wanted to do a 4D puzzle of Las Vegas....let me just say it is hard! This isn't something we are going to get done quickly. Every piece looks the same.

4. We have started watching a new TV show on Netflix. It's called the Blacklist, I believe Season 2 is running on NBC currently. It is intense, but I really like it. It's been awhile since a series has really caught my attention.

5. Christmas is just around the corner, so I am in full Christmas shopping mode. I have gotten a couple people done already. I picked up supplies to make a couple gifts last night. Hopefully I can post the results when I am finished!

So until next time, enjoy these sweet faces!

Until next time,


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