September Update

Wow, September has came and gone already!

We celebrate a lot of family birthdays in September. Mine, my Dad's, and the Hubby's are all within a week of each other.

We celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary. The Hubby surprised me with some pretty flowers!

Fall is here and of course Indiana weather can't decide between summer and fall temperatures. The week started off in the 80's and the low this weekend will be 44... really?!?

We went to the local orchard this weekend and got pumpkins and apple cider! It was packed!

The Hubby has been trying to teach me how to play chess. Can we just say it is a frustrating game? I am not good at thinking ahead on strategy or figuring out why he is doing what he is doing... if I can ever check-mate him, I will be amazed!

I saw this article on Facebook and loved it. People really do not understand how a small, insignificant question can break your heart every time. 

I am also 2-1 in my Fantasy Football league... I am riding on Peyton Manning's coat tails. Can we say still the greatest? 

Well here is to October!

Until next time,


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