I decided a few years ago that donating hair to programs who make wigs for cancer patients was a great cause I could contribute toward. Both mine and the Hubby's families have had someone who suffered from some form of cancer.
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I have always been told I have beautiful hair. I make a prime candidate to donate hair because I don't color my hair and because it takes forever to dry and style, I don't use the hair dryer or straightener every day.
I took the plunge 3 years ago right after our wedding. I chose to donate 9 inches of hair and then started to grow my hair back out again.
Yesterday I took the plunge again and cut off 11 inches of hair. It feels great! I chose the Pantene Beautiful Length's charity. You only have to have a minimum of 8 inches to donate.
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I feel like it's a great way to show my support for cancer survivors or people dealing with cancer. Self confidence goes a long way for making people feel good about themselves. I'm just glad that I can help someone out by doing something as simple as cutting my hair.
Pantene has had more than 500,000 ponytails donated to them! Please visit their website for more information or to find out how to donate your ponytail!