Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I know we were SUPER busy but it was a good busy.

Our holiday week kicked off on December 20th when I hosted the Hubby's family for Christmas. It was our nephews first Christmas and I'm pretty sure he got spoiled!

The Hubby surprised me on Tuesday with tickets to see the Indiana Pacers. I was so surprised, he is a planner and this was totally not planned! It was a lot of fun!

We traveled down to my parents house for Christmas this year, so we drove down on Christmas Eve. It was great getting to see both sides of my family. I even managed to get a good picture with my sister!

We got a ton of stuff, but one of my favorite gifts this year was from my parents (really my mom, but still). She made each one of us a lottery ticket bouquet. It was so much fun scratching them off. The Hubby and I won $17.

We came back home to watch the Hall of Fame Classic basketball tournament that our town hosts. We house the world's largest high school gym in the world, so it's always fun to watch games there.

On Saturday was the University of Louisville versus the University of Kentucky rival game. I love U of L, but we just couldn't pull out the victory. I decorated the house for the game though!

As much as I love decorating for the holidays, I am not looking forward to taking all my Christmas decorations down, it always just looks so bare afterward.

I hope you all had a great holiday season and an even better new year!

Until next time,


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