Wow, sorry for being absent for so long! I haven't been feeling 100% so I have been taking it easy in the crafting and cooking department.
I am currently trying to figure out my sewing machine. I have got it threaded and now just need to figure out the rest! HAHA, wish me luck there!
I'm back today with some of my favorite blogs to read and follow. These blogs really inspired me to share my own ideas and story.
The Brown-Eyed Baker
Wow, this girl can cook! She has a new recipe about every day and they all look delicious. She also shares pictures of her two golden retrievers and son, Joseph.
Her recipes range from rich chocolate cakes to homemade casseroles! You just never know what she will be posting!
Cookies and Cups
I am currently trying to figure out my sewing machine. I have got it threaded and now just need to figure out the rest! HAHA, wish me luck there!
I'm back today with some of my favorite blogs to read and follow. These blogs really inspired me to share my own ideas and story.
The Brown-Eyed Baker
Wow, this girl can cook! She has a new recipe about every day and they all look delicious. She also shares pictures of her two golden retrievers and son, Joseph.
Her recipes range from rich chocolate cakes to homemade casseroles! You just never know what she will be posting!
Cookies and Cups
I love this blog. She has expanded this year and started incorporating savory dishes in her blog. However, she founded her blog on her love of buttercream.
Shelly has an upcoming cookbook that is coming out and it looks awesome! If you like sweet treats, she is a wealth of knowledge!
I also love her because I won last years Creative Cookie Competition with my Hogwarts Worthy Butterbeer Cookies, you can see my post here or Shelly's try at my recipe here!
Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
Kristan is another blogger that I love to read. She loves dessert and posts the yummiest (is that a proper word?) looking food. I have tried several of her recipes and loved them.
She also has book, clothing, and make-up recommendation posts. I just love her funny, witty personality! She is a mom who keeps it real.
She also helped throw the Creative Cookie Competition last year and she recreated my recipe here!
Sally's Baking Addiction
This blog is full of all kinds of recipes. Sally gives expert instructions behind all her recipes along with the science behind things! She's currently on a book tour for her new cookbook.
Sawdust & Embryos
This is a DIY blog. I find Beth and her husband, Nick, hilarious and ambitious. They created their blog to help earn income with they were struggling with infertility and trying to find ways to raise extra income for treatments. They can build something out of nothing, which I am extremely jealous over!
I follow all these blogs on a regular basis and love to read about what they are coming up with next. I wish I could have a tenth of creative juices that they all spit out! (kind of a gross analogy, sorry!)
Hopefully, I can build my blog to represent a little of what each of these ladies do, but I am happy just sharing my love of baking, crafting, and living life!
Until next time,
Shelly has an upcoming cookbook that is coming out and it looks awesome! If you like sweet treats, she is a wealth of knowledge!
I also love her because I won last years Creative Cookie Competition with my Hogwarts Worthy Butterbeer Cookies, you can see my post here or Shelly's try at my recipe here!
Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
Kristan is another blogger that I love to read. She loves dessert and posts the yummiest (is that a proper word?) looking food. I have tried several of her recipes and loved them.
She also has book, clothing, and make-up recommendation posts. I just love her funny, witty personality! She is a mom who keeps it real.
She also helped throw the Creative Cookie Competition last year and she recreated my recipe here!
Sally's Baking Addiction
This blog is full of all kinds of recipes. Sally gives expert instructions behind all her recipes along with the science behind things! She's currently on a book tour for her new cookbook.
Sawdust & Embryos
This is a DIY blog. I find Beth and her husband, Nick, hilarious and ambitious. They created their blog to help earn income with they were struggling with infertility and trying to find ways to raise extra income for treatments. They can build something out of nothing, which I am extremely jealous over!
I follow all these blogs on a regular basis and love to read about what they are coming up with next. I wish I could have a tenth of creative juices that they all spit out! (kind of a gross analogy, sorry!)
Hopefully, I can build my blog to represent a little of what each of these ladies do, but I am happy just sharing my love of baking, crafting, and living life!
Until next time,