S'more Treat Mix

Summer is getting closer and closer! The weather is starting to get up in the 70's more consistently here!

When I think about summers I think about being outside around a campfire and I love making s'mores! It isn't always practical to do that, so I found an easy snack alternative for when you can't make s'mores around the campfire.

S'more Treat Mix

  • Chocolate Chips or Hershey's Chocolate Bars (I used the mini bars)
  • Graham Crackers
  • Mini Marshmallows
  1. Spread out wax paper or foil on your kitchen counter.
  2. Take between 10-15 squares of graham crackers and break them up into smaller pieces. I made each square into 4 pieces.
  3. In the microwave melt your chocolate in 30 second intervals ( I used 6 mini Hershey bars)
  4. Once smooth, take a spoon and drizzle your chocolate over your broken graham crackers
  5. Take about 1 big handful of mini marshmallows and sprinkle over the graham cracker and chocolate mixture.
  6. Let this set up on the counter or pop it in the refrigerator to set up more quickly.
  7. Store in a airtight container for a couple days (if it lasts that long)!
Enjoy! You could also use graham cracker sticks or teddy grahams instead of normal graham crackers!

Until next time,


Based on recipe from Cookie & Cups: http://cookiesandcups.com/smores-snack-mix/

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